About Us
FFO Board Members​
Laura Hisey, President
Meghan Logan, Vice President
Ali Saavedra, Secretary
Rebecca Meyers, Co-Treasurer
Breanna McNulty, Co-Treasurer
Melissa Rosinski, Webmaster
Ali Wild, 6th Grade Rep
Tania Brasfield, 7th Grade Rep
Danielle Larcom, 8th Grade Rep
FFO Volunteer Committee Leads
Teacher/Staff Appreciation: Becca Hudgens
Book Fair: Rebecca Meyers
Dine Outs: Ashley Schoeniger
EduKit: Anabel Abriel
CFSD Foundation: TBD
ECMS FFO Mission & Purpose
The mission of the FFO is to promote and support the teachers and staff of Esperero Canyon Middle School. Through a collaboration between the family and faculty we are able to improve educational programs and extracirricular activities for ECMS Students. We also provide monetary and manpower support for student assistance and school needs. ​
FFO Members
All parents and guardians of ECMS students, as well as all ECMS staff, are members of the FFO. There are no membership fees or dues. We encourage volunteerism and donation to make our school strong.
Supporting Volunteerism​
The best way to teach our kids the value of volunteerism is to practice it ourselves. We encourage all of our parents to support our FFO, whether it is through volunteering regularly on campus, helping out for one-time events, helping complete necessary FFO work at home or on-line, or through donating money, goods or services. We truly appreciate all of our many volunteers and ask you to join us.
Thank You!